Now that you’ve decided to start a blog, you’re likely trying to pin down what you’d like to write about. This can be daunting for many people, especially if they don’t have any experience in writing professionally. Don’t worry! The great thing about blogging for your business is that you already have all of the knowledge you need for a successful blog, you just need a little inspiration and direction so you can pick the perfect starting point. The best way to do that is to simply go over some great topics for your industry so that you can find that drop of inspiration you need.
So first, let’s figure out what kind of blog you plan to have. Are you going to be offering advice á la a quick article with a comments section? This is a great way to reach your customers and visitors and let them know you’re paying attention. Are you going to offer news and updates on the latest auto makes and models? That’s also fantastic for demonstrating your knowledge of your industry. You can lean one way or offer a mix of both if you prefer. You can even pepper in miscellaneous topics if the mood strikes you. Why don’t I give you some topic ideas, and maybe that will help you decide what type of blog you’d like to have on your site?
First and foremost, your blog is great for writing about promotions and sales at your dealership. However, you don’t want to fill your blog space solely with these posts and ignore all other content. Since these promotions expire, the posts won’t work for you the way they are supposed to. They’re not going to offer that continuous lead generation like other posts will.
Here are some post ideas that will keep those leads coming:
Auto reviews. These are your bread and butter. This is where you can make your blog shine. Imagine having so many of your customer questions about a vehicle answered on your website, in your own words. You can do that in your blog by reviewing a vehicle once you receive it. You know what customers are looking for, so you know what to review. You have a special insight that even most professional auto magazine writers don’t have when they review vehicles. While they mainly review vehicles the average consumer can’t afford, you can review all of them and let us know what we really want to know.
www.fayette-news.comIndustry News and Trends. What’s up and coming? What is going to be setting the stage for our future in the automotive industry? Use your insider knowledge or even a quick Google search for inspiration and get to sharing your findings with your readers.
www.news.vice.comTop 10 Lists. Car dealerships have a unique advantage in blogging because they have the entire automotive industry to play with. This means you can compare and contrast vehicles on your blog, and you can make lists. Top 10 lists, or countdown lists, are great for showing readers which vehicles are great for a certain use. For instance, you can write a post about the “Top 10 Safest Cars of the Year,” or have a bit of fun with your list and write the “Top 10 Dream Cars.”
Best Road Trip Destinations. You sell cars. People love to take road trips. If you’re a fan of road-tripping yourself, you can combine business with pleasure and write about some great destinations here in the US (or worldwide). You can even talk about which vehicles are the best for taking on these long excursions.
www.miketoler.comQuestions to ask when buying a car. I have purchased several cars from a dealer, and I still feel like I forget to ask questions when I go in. Buying a new car can be daunting. Why not offer some advice about what questions to ask or what to look for when buying a car? That way, your customers feel more prepared once they walk through your doors.
Those are just some general topics you can start with. Using those topic ideas, you can expand on them and write numerous articles. If you’re still not feeling inspired, here’s a list of topics you can choose that are a bit more specific:
- Lease or finance?
- Trade-in, or sell privately?
- When is gap insurance worth it?
- What the manufacturer’s warranty doesn’t cover
- How much of a down payment should I have?
- What are all those extra fees when car buying?
- Car buying myths
- How long can I go before getting an oil change, really?
- Best cars for teens and college students
- When car repairs shouldn’t be done at home
So there you have it! Plenty of blog topics for you to start with. Hopefully, these ideas have piqued your interest and prepared you to start writing. I hope to see you blogging soon. If you do start a blog, or if you have a blog that you’re writing in, please share it with me! Just email me a link, and I’ll happily share it on our SiteStaff Twitter page to assist you with that social media presence I mentioned in my last post.