Senior living communities have had a tough year but met the extraordinary challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic head on. As we look forward to brighter days ahead, it’s time to consider how best to go forward. One of the smartest steps a senior living community can take is to consider online live chat support and here’s why.
Accessibility means increased leads — Online live chat is one of the most accessible forms of communication available today. No longer do prospective residents or their family members need to wait on hold to get answers to their questions, set up appointments, or have concerns addressed. Online live chat support can be available 24/7 365 on a computer, tablet or even smart phone so it’s also a mobile solution. And it’s as easy as a mouse click to provide the fast and knowledgeable assistance that builds relationships and converts visitors to new leads for senior living communities. Learn more in our blog, “How to Generate Leads for Senior Living.”
Preferred by consumers — In the beginning, online chat support was just a nice option to provide potential residents. Today, however, live chat is fast becoming the tool of choice for consumers because of its speed and reliability. According to Superoffice.com, “… customers love it because it’s 100x faster than any other digital service channel.” As a result, more and more visitors to a website use live chat to receive nearly instantaneous assistance from a live chat host who treats them with respect and kindness. In fact, Superoffice notes, “Live chat has the highest satisfaction levels for any customer service channel, with 73%, compared with 61% for email and 44% for phone.”
Increased move-ins — As the COVID-19 vaccines become available, more seniors will again be ready to make the move to a senior living community. Online live chat support can help senior living communities keep their doors open so prospective residents and their families can get the latest information to help them make the important decisions that will ultimately increase move-ins. In fact, our research showed one SiteStaff client experienced 48 tours that resulted in move-ins in just the first seven months of service! Find out how SiteStaff live chat clients are reaping similar benefits in our “Senior Living Case Study.”
Written transcripts — Online live chat support not only serves visitors quickly and effectively; it also culminates in a live transcript of each conversation that provides a complete picture of each visitor for follow-up by staff. This saves everyone time by helping to sort out real leads from those who are just curious, providing staff with each lead’s needs and desires, and preparing staff to be well-informed when making contact. Overall, transcripts not only keep a detailed record, but enable the senior living community to quickly resume building the type of trusting relationship that will lead to welcoming a new resident. There’s more about great online live chat support in our blog, “The Top 6 Benefits of Live Chat for Senior Living.”
HIPAA compliant — It has never been trickier to stay in compliance with the stringent requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, so senior communities should ensure their live chat is indeed in compliance as well. Live chat service providers should be ready and willing to provide proof of their compliance status as well as their knowledge of the HIPAA law. Most importantly, a live chat service provider should also proactively reference the need for a HIPAA Business Associate Contract that specifically details the depth and breadth of service and their compliance in accordance with the requirements of HIPAA. To find out more about HIPAA requirements for online live chat support, our blog, “HIPAA Compliant Live Chat: What to Look for in a Provider” can help.
Human-to-human outreach — Online live chat support with trained and empathetic chat hosts is one of the best tools for reaching people in need. Especially in light of the past year that brought on increased isolation, having the human touch available to seniors and their families can make a big difference in how a senior living community is perceived. Seniors considering a move to a senior living community can often be emotional and even afraid, and thus require very special and caring assistance. Live chat hosts, who are U.S.-based, college educated and well-trained in the senior living industry can mean the difference between gaining or losing a new resident. There is just no replacement for sincere human caring and empathy. Take a closer look at the importance of empathy in our blog, “Why Senior Living Should Care about Empathetic Marketing.”
Needless to say, the last year has brought about a new understanding of how to best serve senior living community residents as well as potential residents. Online live chat support can make it a lot easier to accomplish safe and secure day-to-day living with minimal cost and maximum satisfaction. To learn more about what SiteStaff has to offer, contact us today.